Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hi Folks!

SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH dont tell my mummy the following secret!!! Pls pls pls!!!!!!!!

BBW coughed on my face yesterday when mummy wasnt looking! That bad person coughed at me while i was peering at him from my hideaway (Mummy's Gucci bag (that is but of cos. Carry your Guccis with pride as the Italians have won. ( LV, stand at the side...)). Back to my story, BBW coughed at my face and i dun dare to tell Mummy.

She didnt wash me after that and proceeded to do her usual vacuum cleaning of me. Now she's got a pimple on her nose and she's abit under the weather.

Why cant i tell Mummy? BECAUSE BBW WILL KILL ME IF SHE FINDS OUT AND I WILL DIE AN EVEN MORE TERRIBLE DEATH! As if his punching me and slapping me is not enough.

Anyway i am sooooo happy that the italians have won and its cos of zz's crazy antics like the head butt. ehhehehe i got a joke for u!!! Why do u think zz head butted materazzi?? Answer: Its cos maybe he was a shaolin disciple! hahahahaaha *pounds fists on table and laughing hysterically*

Right. You are ALL humourless. :(

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