Monday, July 31, 2006


We just had a picnic at the clutter-melon ( Nai Niang ) 's desk! She gave chocolates and biscuits to Rilla cos she said Rilla was a brave girl for going through the operation without crying!

And she gave me a banana cos she said i am a monkey.

Dolph was with us too! Lookit the camera whore Dolph, sitting right in front! ( Yang Ma Ma: GORRY! Notti boy, where did u learn that from? Yang Yang: You, mummy.)

But Nai Niang's desk is very hazardous cos she's a clutter-melon and its full of high rise stacks of unwanted projections. We almost broke a leg cos we fell down from the high rise stack of projections. We cant imagine Clutter-melon's house at Upper East Coast Road. We think that it would look like Lynette Scarvo's house. Our house at Lorong K looks like Bree Van Der Kamp's house. =)

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Hello people!

Lookie Lookie! Its the botanical gardens! Its like my utopia except that its hot and muggy and mummy says it reminds her of a golf course. Mummy is absolutely unappreciative of horticulture and agriculture and anything to do with plants. ( Yang Ma Ma: Except those on Bukom)

Anyway, it was like being in a candy store for me! :)))

Mummy says there must be some conspiracy to turn the botanical gardens into a golf course! Look!

Buggy Track!

Buggy Parking Area next to the Green

Water Hazard!

Sirgolfalot/BBW would love this place! hehe. But he would prob lose his $8.50 ballie into the water hazard. hheheheheh

(Anyway Mummy has finally told me that the merry-go-round was in fact a microwave! Oh that shitttty BBW!!!!!! Nasty fella!!!!!!!! But shhhhhhhhhhh he promised to bring me to a jaccuzzi next leh! I dun dare tell mummy! But he said the flush wasnt working so couldnt bring me. I hope its fixed soon, i wanna go to the jaccuzzi!)

Back to our fun fun fun trip around Botanical Gardens, i ate some flowers which gave me a tummyache later in the night. :(

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Hello people, i'm feeling down today. :(

Rilla is injured and its not caused by me. Her head is split open, i dunnoe what happened to her, she was keeping so quiet and then suddenly mummy realised her head is split open. Now she's crying cos it hurts. :(

We hope yang por por can sew her back. :'(

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Today big bad wolf was so nice! He brought me to this room with a merry-go-round! And i didnt even ask him! There were blinking lights and a spiffy merry-go-round!!!

Here's a picture of it! My mummy was damn mean lor, she dragged my ass out of the merry go round and punched the big bad wolf. I wonder why! I thought it was very nice of bbw to bring me to a playground.

Crazy mummy.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Mummy is in pain, she feels like she got hit by a truck today (poor truck)... Thats all because she went wakeboarding this weekend while i was at home drying my ass off. :(

Its not fair, why does she get to go wakeboarding while i am at home doing nothing!! ;(

He he she got her retribution by being in absolute pain now, she says she doesnt even know that there are muscles that still existed! Obigood.

Hello guys and dolls. I am feeling so sorry for myself. I wish creator didnt bring me back from NZ. i wish i was rolling around in the dirt and hay and grass of the green green meadows of Whangarei. (OK so i was found on the shelves of the Christchurch airport but thats not the point.)

Anyway why i am feeling so sorry for myself is because i think BBW has done me in for the absolute last time. Yesterday on the ferry, i smacked BBW on the head while he wasnt looking. Actually he was fiddling with his handphone while i smacked him on the head. DO U KNOW WHAT HE DID??? DO U KNOW WHAT @*$^&#*^#@*^* thing he did? He kidnapped me and coughed on my face in front of my mummy. *coff* *gag* (i'm still feeling sick at the tot of him coughing in my face* )

Mummy was undetered. She rescued me and said that that couldnt stop her and she proceeded to vacuum clean the back of my head. BBW gave her an innocent look and said he wanted to make it up to me so my stuuuuuuupid mummy gave me to him again. And guess what he did? HE COUGHED AT THE BACK OF MY HEAD.

We reallie hate him.

Once we were back home, mummy hauled my sorry ass to the sink and proceeded to scrub me with the Fluffy Bunny shower foam from Watsons. (Hey y'all, its quite cute, 4.95 SGD for 1 litre!) It smells like those barbie doll or My pretty pony smell. So anyway i gave mummy my most pleading look;

(Subtitle: Mummy, pls dont! Pls dont wash me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(() Here i am, all scrubbed and grouchy.

I was freezing last night because i had to be dried and my smart mummy has to wash me at night and leave me to catch pneumonia. *shiver* Mummy reasons that i am my own winter clothing but i dont understand what that means because sheep can get cold too. :(

I am running PIMples right now for mummy and BBW. The other day, i gave mummy a cindy crawford pimple and i couldnt stop laughing when i saw her. heheheheheehhe.

Mummy, no amount of pitera and Imedeen will save you this time. I shall use your SK2 pitera to wash my feet and step on ur face at night.

But for now, i shall use ur SK2 mask to get over my traumatic day. But at least i can sleep well tonight because i managed to smack BBW on the head 3 times and once on the nose! yeeeeha!

Thursday, July 20, 2006


And that was some deep thoughts from mummy over there. eheheh yah dun y'all go around killing any mockingbirds now!

Anyway i am bored. I miss Nai Niang. I want huggy hugs from nai niang. We have been taking good care of Dolph while his mummy is away enjoying herself. Dolph has been crying the entire week, we messaged Nai Niang about it but she insists that Dolph is crying because we're bullying Dolph. Its not true lor. His mummy didnt even give him a handover for her cut and poor Dolph was doing the projection by himself. See, we're giving him a huggy hug.

I'm feeling sick! *coff* *coff* And i didnt cough on Dolph erh, stop accusing me!

And creator is away in India visiting Mario's friends. Hee hee.

Monday, July 17, 2006

And now... a foreword from our sponsors (aka Mummy):

" I am so not in a good mood this morning. Full of pathos after reading "To kill a mockingbird" by Harper Lee. Yes, shoot me, i have not read this classic before in my life. Anyway had a really bad night sleeping after reading this classic.

As i was saying, this morning is a confusion of emotions as i was driving along the ECP to work. My mind was replaying over the courtroom scene of Atticus Finch, Tom Robinson and Jem & Scout. Thus began my retrospection on my own life.

Was i guilty of being a Bob Ewell or a spectator on the grounds that supported Mayella Ewell regardless of how unconvincing the evidence was?

Funny how i never use to have such passion for Literature. I blame it all on Mrs Karen Tan, (yes, u didnt read it wrongly.) Literature was one of my cursed subjects in TKGS. I intentionally avoided the humanities because of this. Though i love Geography and History. Sigh, which is why i ended up in chem eng. Anyway back to TKAMB.

i think what strikes me as disturbing is the fact that the killing of mockingbirds is happening right now and not in the 1930s Alabama scene only. The parallel worlds of Maycomb, Alabama could be translated or transposed to where you are. Which is why Harper Lee chose to include a passage in the book about the inhabitants of Maycomb were questioning why in another place in Europe, Adolf Hiter was commencing his war against the jews.

Guess that alot of us dont stop to think whether we are doing the same. That is, to judge a person by the way he looks. A sweet and demure looking girl, MUST exactly be that, simply because she looks like one and the hostile looking , angular featured girl must must neccesarily be the villain. Simply because she looks like it. Or simply that a tall person MUST be a basketball player etc.

Perhaps the reason why i am feeling so much emotion for this book is because i think i can relate it to my experiences. Adults (if you are reading this, you know who you are) who should know better do exactly the same thing as what the jury did to Tom Robinson. They simply need a person to persecute because the innocent looking one, quiet one CANNOT be guilty. These people are exactly like the civilians of Maycomb who cannot fathom why in any place, in another world, why the jews are persecuted. When they are doing so in their own backyard.

Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of the "innocent looking". (aka Mayella Ewell)

I think i can understand exactly how Atticus Finch, Jem and Scout Finch and the coloured people feel when the jury read " Guilty, Guilty, Guilty.. " to Thomas Robinson. The person who retaliates or happens to look like the villian is always punished.

The saddest part about this is that the ones who commit the prejudicism and bigotry are the educated or the ones that are on the higher levels of the food chain. Those that should be helping the ones lower in the system are the ones intentionally keeping them there.

When i was reading this book, i was feeling very lucky at how i was not born in the 1930s Southern states, until in retrospect, we are not rid of this draconian human behaviour. Granted that there are no negros in my community or social circle, i must say that the killings still do go on in our everyday life.

How many of us can claim to be an Atticus Finch. To let your children hear that you're a "nigger-lover" because you're defending an innocent man? To let your children be potential social outcasts and even run the risk of being murdered at the hands of the bigots? To face up an angry mob in the middle of the night and stand in front of a jail to defend this man's life?

One of my favourite scenes in the book is Atticus confronting the mob as he sits ALONE calmly guarding the jail. Tom Robinson would have been murdered had it not been for Atticus' act of courage. The scary thing is that the mob had tried and convicted Tom Robinson without a trial and had in their mind already decided that he was guilty.

Why do people act this way?

To quote a theory from a Terry Pratchet book that goes something like humans are always in want and in need of a story. We see a young girl scrubbing the cellar and we think that her dream is to marry a prince. We see a grandmother in the woods and assume that she would be eaten by a wolf. And of cos we assume that the wolf is going to eat the grandmother, dont we? Well, the wolf could be a cute cuddly vegetarian, so there! Anyway, it doesnt matter what the truth is, as long as people like whats on the outside.

Sorry, my thoughts are not very structured this morning.

Thanks for being my Atticus Finch, Michael Fum. The above is dedicated to you"

"Mockingbirds don't do one thing but... sing their heart out for us. That's why it is a sin to kill a mockingbird."

Sunday, July 16, 2006

I like creator, hee hee. Yesterday she gave me huggy hugs and we made fun of rilla when mummy wasnt looking. hee hee. Creator says Rilla is fat cos she's bigger than me, hee hee. ;)

Then Rilla burst into tears and we both told her to shut up. (Mummy was in the kitchen) Creator loves me more than Rilla! Poor creator was sick yesterday and when i messaged creator to get well soon, she said that she didnt believe the concern from Rilla. Rilla is very sad. Let's see if Rilla can smile now. :))))))))))))))))))))

Then whenever mummy wasnt looking, she made me sit on Rilla and punch her! Yeah!

I think i shall run away to Creator's house, she's more fun! I told creator that i was taking a bus to her place and she said that i shd take a cab instead and that she would pay for the fee. Creator is soooooo nice! Huggy hug. Creator has the best complexion on earth and thats because she's nice to me. Unlike all of u who are mean to me! I am running PIMpleS for all of u except creator. Creator says its cos of Dermalogica but she doesnt know its because of me. :)

Ang por por (creator's mummy) is mighty nice too, creator says that Ang Por Por will make many dishes for me if i live with them. Sayonara Mummy!

I'm dreaming of fried mimosa, sauteed cowgrass, baked carpet grass and steamed cactuses already! Yummmmmmy!

Saturday, July 15, 2006




Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hi folks!

My fren One-gin two tonic in KLCC is doing lunch time yoga, she will be a yogi bear soon! heehheeh Anyway strangely i think she is copying ME! I am the new sienna miller, EVERYONE wants to be me.

See? This is proof that i did yoga first before one gin two tonic! And rilla is just copying me.

Why do sheep need yoga? erm... well... erm..... because we're little harassed sheep? We need to find our inner sheep? We wanna be zen like? I dunnoe... maybe because we're trendy?

Hi Folks!

SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH dont tell my mummy the following secret!!! Pls pls pls!!!!!!!!

BBW coughed on my face yesterday when mummy wasnt looking! That bad person coughed at me while i was peering at him from my hideaway (Mummy's Gucci bag (that is but of cos. Carry your Guccis with pride as the Italians have won. ( LV, stand at the side...)). Back to my story, BBW coughed at my face and i dun dare to tell Mummy.

She didnt wash me after that and proceeded to do her usual vacuum cleaning of me. Now she's got a pimple on her nose and she's abit under the weather.

Why cant i tell Mummy? BECAUSE BBW WILL KILL ME IF SHE FINDS OUT AND I WILL DIE AN EVEN MORE TERRIBLE DEATH! As if his punching me and slapping me is not enough.

Anyway i am sooooo happy that the italians have won and its cos of zz's crazy antics like the head butt. ehhehehe i got a joke for u!!! Why do u think zz head butted materazzi?? Answer: Its cos maybe he was a shaolin disciple! hahahahaaha *pounds fists on table and laughing hysterically*

Right. You are ALL humourless. :(

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The italians have reached the finals! Yeah! Yippeeeee!!! Italia! Azzurri! Gorrillamb Tan Yang Yang supports you!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Free Hit Counters

Hi folks!

Mummy had a birthday party/mahjong party for creator yesterday! I love creator, she's always so nice to me and everyone prefers me to rilla. And thats becos i am cute, so there. nyeah nyeah nyeah, rilla!

(*lambrilla sobbing in the background*)

Oh quit whining, rilla! U're turning out like nai niang, if u keep whining, she will never let u go to Nai Niang's desk or house ever again!

Ok, back to me.

Anyway these are Mummy's friends from Chem Eng NUS, one of them is a particularly psycho male maid, known as Mario, who was also mummy's lab partner back in NUS. She says that they used to go around irritating pple while waiting for the stupid expts to end. (Note these lab sessions could range between 3- 6 hrs)

Creator brought alot my cousin moose who is a 3M mascot, whom we promptly took his 3M shirt for me to wear. Of cos. Its always about me, me, me, me, me, me, me. ( I learnt that from Big Bad Wolf)

Anyway mummy had the first mahjong session @ our house cos creator gave mummy a mahjong set. hehe, we won quite a lot, yay!!!!!!!!!! Until creator took over. cheh. We forgot to remind them that this house has been feng shui-ed but only for my mummy and me. yeah yeah yeah.

Anyway psycho Mario kept trying to poke my eyes out and when mummy wasnt looking, he tried to stab me with a fork. Creator was meano too, instead of saving me, she took a photo. :(

Anyway Mummy found out abt it and punished Mario to clean up the house. HAhahahahahahah! *clapping hands*

I prefer Mashley better! Mashley is nicer to me, see? She's giving me a huggy hug. I want more huggy hugs, Mashley! *muak* (Kiss for Mashley)