Thursday, October 26, 2006

Hello peeps! Here are my penpals from PD!! Called Butterscotch and Anon! :)))))

Wah they are like models! They've got legs so long that its up to their arm pits!! Mine are short and stubby. :((

Rilla is jealous cos they are more glamorous than her cos they got permed hair and hers is a buzz cut. hee hee.

Wonder if we have enuff sheep to form NZ's Next Top Model Sheep.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I am soooooooooooooo sad. My nai niang is leaving MCR to go to the land of Modor. *cry*

Nai niang bot mummy this lovely sheepy cup that has a picture of me and Rilla. And she says this is me and Rilla cos Rilla is bigger than me. *sulk* She's fat wad, wad can i do?

Anyway nai niang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Promise that u will meet us often!! We will miss Dolph too. :(

My Yang Ma Ma and her year of ORION.

Orion beer, Orion-ning ( Scheduling tool ) and Orion belts. But i swear it wasnt me who gave her any orion belts.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Hello Everybody!!!

Today Gorry the little fairy tale spinner shall weave another story for you folks: Its called The tale of a dead dragon:

There was once a knight who was searching for a stupid dragon to kill as it was terrifying a town. This dragon was elusive and sneaky and mean and evil but most of all, stupid. Anyway one day, it took a princess lamb hostage and threatened to cook her and marinate her and blah blah blah yaddah yaddah yaddah and eat her up.

So anyway the brave knight decided to save the princess lamb! He searched over river, over dale, over hill, over everywhere he could but couldnt find the dumbo dragon. Until, suddenly, out of the blue, he heard a little brown lamb called GORR-geous-brown-thing say, "Pssst! Over there! The dumb dragon has broken into an inn and drunk himself silly on the inn keeper's collection of wine and beer! He's also eating the inn keeper's cheeses!!"

The brave knight thanked the little brown lamb and hurried to the inn where he found the dumb-ass dragon drunk as a well... drunk dragon, i guess.

So he slayed the dragon and brought peace and joy to the rest of the world! :)

The end.

Hello folks once again!

Some pple have been asking me how creator and my mummy became friends or knew each other! Here's the story:

Once upon a time in NUS, somewhat 8 years ago...Mummy and Creator both attended Chemical Engineering and were in the same class together... CN1!!! In the first year, mummy and creator were Hi-Bye friends, cos mummy was busy in Hall ( we shall not shame the hall) and didnt really bother to make friends in chem eng at that time... Anyway, as the year went by, mummy's hall friends were not really what they seemed to be and had let her down terribly. And in the 2nd year, mummy was left all alone and abandoned. *SOB!!!! WAIL!!! MUMMy, huggy hug!!*

As you know, in chem eng, there are tons and tons and tons and tons of stupid projects and mummy had a really tuff time trying to find a project mate as she didnt really know anyone from her class and pple are usually reluctant to be project mates with someone who didnt really seem interested in school work. :(

Sob, mummy will always remember how Creator didnt judge her and proffered a helping hand. I think it was computer applications and they had to write a FORTRAN program to do Heat Exchanger calculations for a water/steam HX. (whatever that is.) I think they did well during that time and they became fast friends!

Thru the rest of the years, they battled fake personalities in CN and bonded through mahjong with Mario and others and even upon graduation and creator went away for a year to Minnesota for work, they still remained in touch and Mummy hopes to keep in touch with Creator forever!!

(Mario was a mistake in knowing but we dont regret either. ;p)


Hello folks,


i am feeling dazed. I cant remember what happened to me in the past 5 days. I dont even have the strength and willpower to tell that stupid dragon in the other blog that he's too stupid to even know that he's been insulted twice over and think that i dunnoe what he's talking about. But ah well... Live and let live i suppose. I cant think of anything worser than being the butt of the jokes when he thinks that pple are the butt of the jokes. Confusing yet? hee hee. Moronic dragon.

Anyway i am feeling dazed because i think i was kidnapped from my mummy on Thursday afternoon by BBW. I was yelping "HELP HELP HELP" and my helpless mummy was looking at me and screaming " RETURN GORRY TO ME!" but mummy didnt make any attempt to rescue me. :(

The 2 hours thereafter in BBW's office was a blur. I think this is what they meant by post traumatic stress syndrome or something like that. :(
I think i might have blacked out. I dont recall what happened. This is pretty much like an alien abduction on Highway 49 or something like that. :'(

Do u think he transplanted my brain or something?

Anyway on another note, i wanted to give nai niang a present and mummy and me took a photo of me sitting on her car and told her to go and buy 4-D. She refuse to listen to me and guess what? Her car number came out 2nd prize! Cheh! Nai niang, obigood!!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Mummy!!! I am purple! I am a little purple lamb!!!!! Nai Niang cannot call me the dirty brown thing anymore! I wanna stay purple! Thanks Winedragon, for turning me purple! :) *huggy hugs*

Here's a box of pimples as a present for u! You won the pimple lucky draw that i was organizing! ;)

Nai niang, sorry, you didnt win the lucky draw because u didnt turn me purple. I like being purple! Purple is cute!! But you won the consolation prize of 2 pimples on ur dimples.

La la la!

(yang ma ma: Optimistic little lamb.

Anyway, yesterday, BBW was playing extreme sports with me again! With Lim Whee Kheng! Yay! I love extreme sports! Huggy hugs for BBW! Its called "Grabbing-me-from-the-bag-and-throwing-me-to-Lim-Wee-Kheng-in-the-ferry-and-then-sitting-on-me".

Its fun! BBW is the funnest wolf in the world!