Monday, June 16, 2008

I am so upset with a certain alcoholic drink sitting in KL!

Some people have been using fake post its!!!! How can u!!!! I am gg to tell my creator and my creator will be so upset with u for not using 3M post its.

CREATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got pple never use proper 3M postits and are anyhowly buying fake stuff.

As the 3M celambrity , i shall educate u on why its important to have genuine 3M post its.

If you dont use 3M Post-its,

  1. You will totally forget to do the most important stuff in life! Like submitting a report, buying a certain shares or even going to the toilet! A post-it helps u prioritize life!
  2. How will department Away Days get conducted without Post-its?! How will people be able to "speak up" without Post its???!
  3. You will completely lose the page that you were reading in a book! That's mighty upsetting u noe!!
  4. How will Art & Craft projects get done?!?!?!?!? Fake 3M products dont hold as well and you dun have flourescent post-its, striped post-its, pink post-its, black post-its!
  5. How will Creator earn a living if you buy fake 3M stuff!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha! wow Gorry you are a really good mascot ne! Free one somemore! ^_^

All the points are valid esp the last pt!!