Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Xmas Everyboday!!!

Today is the Lamb Family's Xmas Soiree!

Chian, Des, Doc, Nai Niang and Gwace came over to play!!! :))

We had potluck but noone brought anything for me & Rilla :(((((. Yang Ma Ma and gang feasted on Katong Laksa, Pizza, Xmas ham, log cake, sushi, champagne and ice cream with Baileys and this yummmmmmylicious coconut avocado dessert that Gwace made! I think she made it for me cos its vegetarian but all the gluttons ate it up without offerring me any. *cry*

Hee, then we played Taboo!!! hehehehhehehe Mummy and Doc's team (with QQ and Gwace) thumped shitty des' team. Can u believe that all the big fancy schmancy words that shitty des knows ARE FRENCH WORDS that are..... *hold ur breath everyone* Sauvignon Blanc, Rheunium, Contra and he keeps trying to sneak in french words!!! And when he couldnt guess yang ma ma's team's words, he ended up spelling out the letters with his butt!! Wad an ass!!!!

Heheehehhe. Btw, Yang Ma Ma's team's words were: Hubris, Hummus, Apropos, Lackadaisical... cool huh cool huh!!

ehehhe to top off the day, we ALL took a field trip to the condo next door to Lor K to check it out! Omg! Prices have gone up 20%!! *ching ching*!!! YAHTZEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hee. Doc is thinking of buying the studio also.. we hope that he comes and live next to us! :)))) We like him very much, unlike shittty des!


1 comment:

DesDragon said...

The most important thing is that the Sparkling Wine that I brought was the BEST!