I'm in pain. Ooooooooooooooo. *wail* This horrible man beside me pushed me off the laptop :(
Hokkaido! I'm going Hokkaido! Me! A tiny little lamb from small town Whangarei, New Zealand! Going to Hokkaido! Did i mehhhntion that i am going to Hokkaido yet?Anyway kind of mixed feelings though because i'd be going with my cousin-auntie who says that i am not allowed to speak and yang ma ma is not allowed to talk about me. Yang ma ma and me are only allowed to gestulate to cousin-auntie. And look at her. But not talk.What a horrid person.I am also only going to be cuddled once a day by cousin-auntie in Hokkaido. :( And its not going to happen if yang ma ma doesnt see it. :'(Ooooo dreaming of blue skies, green meadows capped by snow ( i hope! ) , music boxes, hot springs, sashimi (ooops, not allowed to touch non-veg stuff though). So anyway, recently i heard that i am the subject of description with cousin-auntie's evil friends. Ah well, hope they liked the bad karma they got though. Tee hee.